It all started sometime around 1965 in India. India's giant leap towards the Electronics Industry. It was an era of Radios, Black & White TV, Calculators and other Audio Products. Then came the era of Color Television. It was the year 1982 when Indian Government took initiative to import more number of Color TV sets to make it possible for the Indian citizens to enjoy the direct broadcast of Asian Games happening in New Delhi. Then slowly but gradually came Telephone and Computers.
In the last decade the electronics industry has seen a rapid and healthy growth. With a steady increase in demand the Industry Gurus are predicting a lucrative market of US$ 400 billion (INR 21,66,000 Crores) by 2020. And the most booming sector among electronic industry would be the Consumer Electronic Goods segment. Indian electronic industry has showed us an excellent growth from INR 54 billion (2007-2008) to INR 79.48 billion (2011-2012). Indian electronic industry mainly manufacture and exports components for foreign companies. The total demand of global electronics hardware production is US$ 1.7 trillion (INR 92,05,500 Crores) and Indian electronic industry caters to only 1.3% of this huge global demand. Indian Consumer Electronics and Durable industry is now worth INR 340 billion and caters to the global demand exporting components for Display Technologies, Entertainment Electronics, Optical Storage Device, Passive Components, Electro-mechanical components, Telecom Equipments, Transmission & Signalling Equipments, Semiconductor Designing and Electronic Manufacturing Services.
With such an present scenario, India acting as a thriving market for mobile phones. Every month about 2 million Indians start using mobile phones. Telecom industry alone is penetrating the total Indian electronics industry at a brisk rate of 10%. Other than Telecom, Auto Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Electronics and Medical Electronics sectors are also showing high and steady growth. The industry analysts are now predicting a market of more than US$ 150 million for Indian electronics industry.
The present Indian electronics industry market and the growth is alluring the global players. Companies like Solectron, Flextronics, Jabil, Nokia, Elcoteq have come forward to invest in Indian market. Even Korean Electronics Giants like LG & Samsung have committed to establish manufacturing facilities in Indian territory. Total 50 Electronics Manufacturing Services & Original Design Manufacturers providers are operating in India, both global player like Solectron, Flextronics as well as Indian players like Deltron, TVS Electronics, Sahasra etc.
One most crucial and significant reason for the internationally acclaimed player to get interested to start manufacturing plants in India is "HUMAN RESOURCE". India is saturated with highly educated and unemployed human resources. Both skilled and unskilled employees are waiting to get an opportunity to grab on. Labor cost for manufacturing electronics goods and services in India is about 30-40% cheaper than the same in US or Western Europe.
So one conclusion I can draw without much hesitation is that, the day is not so far, when Indian Electronics Industry will be poised in the pinnacle of the global scenario and India will be the Epicenter of the global electronics industry.
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