
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Few More Interesting Quotes!

"If design isn’t profitable, then it’s art" – Henrik Fiskar
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." – Alan Kay
"If you're not trying to do something better, then you're not focused on the customer and you'll miss the possibility of making your business great. " – Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President of Industrial Design, Apple Inc.
"It's not what you do once in a while; it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference."
– Jenny Craig
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." – Warren Buffett
"Don't listen to you customers. They don't know what they want anyway." – Larry Webber
"Unless you can begin with an interesting problem, it is unlikely you will end up with an interesting solution." – Bob Gill
"Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change." – Milton Erickson,
"Design is about problem solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion." – Bob Baxley
"Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it." – Thomas J. Watson Jr.
"You need the simplest version of the idea in order for it to grow naturally in the subject's mind." – Inception, Movie
"A Brand is not a product or a promise or a feeling. It's the sum of all the experiences you have with a company." – Amir Kassaei
"It is easy to be accurate if you have the freedom to be complicated, and it is very easy to be simple if you have the freedom to shade the truth. What's hard is to be simple and very accurate, and that takes work to figure out what are the simple truths that are going to sustain your case." – David Boies
"Disagreements often occur simply because the words we use don't mean the same things. Check the vocabulary before deciding." – Liz Strauss
"Those who don't set goals in life end up being controlled by those who do." – Paul Sloane
"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth." – Mike Tyson
"When walt disney announced TV show to promote his movies, other studios were angry. They saw TV as competition." – Don Florence
"Focus groups are a waste of time, filled with people telling you what you want to hear so they can go home." – Sergio Zyman (former) CMO Coca Cola
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." – Jim Rohn
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde" – Oscar Wilde
"A problem is often half-solved when it is clearly stated." – Dorothea Brande
"When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target." – George Fisher
"The essential test of design is how well it assists the understanding of the content, not how stylish it is." – Edward Tufte
"Your goal is not to make an image. It’s to make a statement!" – Tom Asacker
"Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless." – Morris Chang, CEO TSMC
"If you are not a brand, you are a commodity." – Philip Kotler
"Theories we believe we call facts. Facts we disbelieve we call theories." – Felix Cohen
"Things are only impossible until they are not." – Jean-Luc Picard Commander of the USS Enterprise
"Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way." – William James
"A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless." – Stephen King
"A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually." – Abba Eban
"Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. " – Mark Twain
"What we consider to be different depends on what we consider to be the norm." – Youngme Moon
"Grow a thick skin and be prepared to take criticism." – Mark Forrester
"You cannot not communicate. " – Paul Watzlawick, Psychologist & Philosopher
"If your mind isn't open, keep your mouth shut too." – Sue Grafton
"Overnight success takes years." – Tim Marks
"If you don't take a risk, that's a risk in itself." – Alberto Perlman founder and CEO of zumba fitness
"There are no commodity categories. Only commodity brands." – Eric Ryan founder of method
"Simplicity is complexity resolved." – Constantin Brancusi sculptor
"Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make." – Philip Kotler
"There are bits of the literal future right here, right now, if you know how to look for them." – Gibson William, Author, technologist, futurist
"A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience." – Spanish Proverb
"It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. " – Errol Flynn
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way." – Edward De Bono
"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." – Albert Schweitzer
"A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow." – Richard Bach
"If you don't risk anything, you risk even more." – Erica Jong
"There is a better way to do it. Find it. " – Thomas A. Edison
"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." – Edward R. Murrow
"Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You." - Tom Peters in Fast Company, 1997
“If you can build a powerful brand, you will have a powerful marketing program. If you CAN’T then all the advertising, fancy packaging, sales promotion and public relations in the world won’t help you achieve your objective.” - Al Ries and Laura Ries, "World Class Brands” in Executive Excellence, March 1999
“Branding is the hottest concept in marketing today, and it’s an idea that is not just for the deep-pocketed, highly glossed Coca-Colas and Nikes of the world. An increasing number of independent-business owners are embracing branding as the guiding philosophy for building their companies.” - Nation’s Business
"Your personal brand is a promise to your clients... a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability." - Jason Hartman
"When most people think of a brand, they visualize a slogan, a logo, campaign, a promise, or a product. A brand is much more. Your company's brand is a powerful relationship fueled by a loyal belief system and knotted to the principle of providing exceptional value." - Karl Speak
"In fact, in these times of economic uncertainty, a solid CEO Brand is, perhaps, more important than ever." - AdWeek
"Even individuals need to develop a brand for themselves .... Whatever your area of expertise, you can take steps to make people think of YOU when they think of your field." - Accelepoint Webzine
“In a competitive world, organizations are realizing that only people can brand products or services effectively – that we are not just selling a branded product but a mass of branded people who support and deliver it.” - Helena Rubinstein, The Lab
"If you can, be first. If you can't be first, create a new category in which you can be first." - Al Ries & Jack Trout, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
“A great brand taps into emotions. Emotions drive most, if not all, of our decisions. A brand reaches out with a powerful connecting experience. It’s an emotional connecting point that transcends the product.” - Scott Bedbury/Nike, Starbucks
"It's clear that today's celebrities are becoming Brands unto themselves. But now even middle managers can get into the act. So if you see your VP of finance in the gossip pages next to J. Lo, don't be surprised." - Fortune
"Branding gives you an exceptionally effective way to broadcast who you are to your target market quickly and efficiently." - MultiChannel News
"Today, brands are everything, and all kinds of products and services - from accounting firms to sneaker makers to restaurants are figuring out how to become a brand surrounded by a Tommy Hilfiger-like buzz." - Tom Peters
"Branding adds spirit and a soul to what would otherwise be a robotic, automated, generic price-value proposition. If branding is ultimately about the creation of human meaning, it follows logically that it is the humans who must ultimately provide it." - David Aaker
“A great brand is a story that’s never completely told. A brand is a metaphorical story that connects with something very deep – a fundamental appreciation of mythology. Stories create the emotional context people need to locate themselves in a larger experience.” - Scott Bedbury/Nike, Starbucks
"Well orchestrated brands have depth and richness. They are like personalities, in that the best of them are made interesting and beautiful by a unique blend of interesting and beautiful component parts. It is only in the harmony of the whole that the brand lives." - Steve Yastrow, author Brand Harmony and host of the brand café at
"A brand's strength is built upon its determination to promote its own distinctive values and mission."
- Professor Jean-Noel Kapferer, (Re)Inventing the Brand (2001)
"Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful." - Sir Richard Branson, CEO Virgin.
"Organizations in the future will manage feelings, beliefs, perceptions and values - the asset of emotional capital - as the hidden resources with the power to translate people's knowledge into positive action." - Kevin Thomson, author Emotional Capital (1998)
"Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something - to create something or help others in some way. The question is, how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand - which you deliver." - Dave Buck

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